
Your personal website, nice and easy.

What's new

Date Description
18/09/2019 Skills can be edited
18/05/2018 Contact form is protected by ReCaptcha
18/05/2018 Improved messenger system
17/05/2018 Form fields are validated
06/05/2018 Users can recover their passwords
04/06/2016 Users can customize their interests
04/06/2016 Users can customize their languages
04/06/2016 Users can customize their specialities
04/06/2016 Users can customize their experience
03/06/2016 Users can customize their experience
03/06/2016 Users can customize their resume skills
03/06/2016 Users can customize their resume about me section
30/05/2016 Users can specify which resume segments are visible
29/05/2016 Links to blog posts are now user friendly
29/05/2016 Users can customize how much content will be displayed in the preview cards of their blog posts
29/05/2016 Visitors can post comments to blog posts
29/05/2016 Users can manage their own blog
23/05/2016 Users can delete their accounts
23/05/2016 Users can edit their contact information
22/05/2016 Users can select which pages are visible
20/05/2016 Visitors can see the latest changes in the application (change log)
17/05/2016 Visitors can now send messages to users
15/05/2016 Users can upload their resume
09/05/2016 Users can edit their social media
08/05/2016 Users can edit their profile page
08/05/2016 Users can upload background images
08/05/2016 Users can upload profile images
08/05/2016 Users can edit their email address
08/05/2016 Users can edit their first and last name
07/05/2016 Users can register